Gabe Hudson's Exciting But Confusing "Gork, The Teenage Dragon"
Gabe Hudson’s Exciting But Confusing Gork, The Teenage Dragon by Felix Lee Gork, The Teenage Dragon by Gabe Hudson is a science fiction, fantasy novel, featuring teenage dragon Gork The Terrible. Despite his family’s reputation of having the most ruthless dragons, Gork, nicknamed “Weak Sauce”, isn’t one of them. Having a humongous heart, tiny horns, and a condition of constant fainting, Gork is ranked the lowest in his class in all dragon standards, and all hope seems lost for him as a dragon. When Crown Day, the day all male senior dragons propose to female dragons, arrives, Gork sets his goals high and aims to propose his crown to Runcita, one of the hottest dragonettes in his class. The consequences of failure, however, are equally high, as rejection would mean life as a slave forever. With all odds against him, including other tougher seniors attempting the same quest as him and a ...